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Your Weekly Horoscope Urges You To Lean Into The Chaos

Good morning, gorgeous! Your weekly horoscope for June 14-20 2021 is here. Our week begins on a frustrating note when Saturn (planet of restriction) in Aquarius squares Uranus (planet of surprises) in Taurus on Monday. This is an intense aspect that could bring up sudden and unpleasant changes in our lives, making most fixed signs anxious and uncomfortable. Lean into the chaos if you want to make it through.

On Sunday, we have the summer solstice, officially ushering us into Cancer season. During the longest day of the year, it’s important to let go of the doubts and insecurities that have been plaguing us all spring (and really the last year or so) and step into the sunshine of the season with renewed hope.

However, the longest day also throws us a curveball when Jupiter (planet of luck) turns retrograde in Pisces the same day. The planet of luck will be retrograde for the next four months, bringing some changes to our inner world. During this period of introspection, it’s important to listen to and trust your intuition in this steamy summer.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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A “my way or the highway” attitude isn’t going to cut it when Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on Monday. Your friends may try to coax you into doing what the group wants rather than what you decide. Put your pride aside and be a team player. You don’t always need to take the lead.

Sunday’s summer solstice brings spiritual introspection when Jupiter retrogrades in your privacy zone. The next four months offer a focus on healing wounds and practicing self-acceptance. While it might be tempting to blow up your life, be gentle with yourself to find peace.

Also on Sunday, the sun enters Cancer and your family zone. For the next few weeks, you may be sticking close to home and making your life more private. In Cancer, your inner child is encouraged to come out to play, but don’t act like one!



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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Monday brings career frustrations when Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in your sign. Your strict workplace environment may make you feel like you’re losing your individuality or not being “seen” by the higher-ups. Try to be a team player for now, Taurus, until you get a better job.

Friendships are put to the best when Jupiter retrogrades in your social zone on Sunday. Your social circle may go through a bit of a shake-up over the next few months. The dreams you have may also shift as you change your priorities to better fit your life.

However, the summer solstice does bring some good news because the sun enters Cancer that day. The sun will be in your communication zone for the next four weeks, making it easy to express yourself. This is a great time to explore educational pursuits and even take some short trips.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins on a bit of a sour note when Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on Monday. After your travel or education plans go astray (thanks, Mercury), you might feel trapped in your life. FOMO is real, Gemini, but don’t sulk. Instead, focus on taking care of yourself and moving forward. Remember your flexibility.

The summer solstice brings opportunities for self-care when the sun enters Cancer on Sunday. The sun will be in your value zone for the next month, encouraging you to remember your worth. Invest in yourself by paying your bills, buying healthy food, taking care of your skin, and, yes, buying yourself a treat or two.

Also happening on Sunday, Jupiter turns retrograde in your career zone, giving you the opportunity to reexamine your goals. Use this time to redefine what success means to you and what you truly want as your life’s work.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Check yourself before you wreck yourself Monday when Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, bringing some struggle between letting go of the past and holding onto things that are causing you pain. Going your own way may scare you, but it might be for the best.

On Sunday, your season begins with the summer solstice when the sun enters your sign. This is an ideal time to begin new projects (especially after next week) and put yourself out there. New beginnings are on the horizon. Explore and have fun!

Also happening during the longest day of the year is Jupiter’s retrograde in your philosophy zone. This creates an ideal time to learn more about yourself and expand your spiritual depths. Over the next four months, your moral compass will be put to the test as you learn to embrace new ideas. You might need to travel in order to grow.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Major changes at work spell trouble for your relationships when Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on Monday. All those long hours you’re working and your attention to your job could lead you to leave your partner behind. Find your work/life balance in order to find happiness.

The summer solstice brings a time of self-care when the sun enters Cancer on Sunday. The sun will be in your privacy zone for the next few weeks, making you extra sensitive and a little self-destructive. Don’t burn down your life, Leo. Enjoy the glow of your inner flame, but keep it to yourself.

Also happening on the summer solstice is Jupiter turning retrograde in your intimacy zone, bringing a four-month period of spiritual transformation. While the road may not always be smooth, you will grow as a person and become intimate with others in new emotional ways. Embrace these changes!



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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Summer is finally here, and you’re tempted to push your responsibilities to the side in favor of fun and excitement when Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on Monday. Your head may be in the clouds, but try to bring back some of your trademark self-discipline or you’ll get nothing done.

Summer officially begins when the sun enters Cancer on Sunday, bringing the summer solstice. The sun will be in your friendship zone for the next few weeks, making it a great time to connect with your social circle. Things that you’ve been longing for are finally coming in unexpected ways.

During the longest day of the year, Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde in your partnership zone, bringing some perspective to your relationships. Growth may bring conflict as you figure out what you need in a partnership. It might be difficult, but it could be worth it.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Relationships suddenly become serious when Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on Monday. What once was a fun fling suddenly turns into a serious entanglement. Are you ready for that responsibility, Libra? Adulting is hard, but you have to do it.

Pay close attention to your public image during the summer solstice when the sun enters Cancer on Sunday. With the sun in your career zone for the next few weeks, focus some attention on your goals. What do you want to be known for? Making a name for yourself at work will become more important as you climb to the top.

Adulting continues with Jupiter retrograding in your routine zone on Sunday. Over the next four months, you’re going to learn self-discipline the hard way. You need to seriously work on your life to get what you want. Start by taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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Tensions begin to come up in your partnerships on Monday. Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus and certain family members could refuse to respect your boundaries. Be mature and enforce your limits to keep the peace in your private life without causing unneeded drama.

The summer solstice brings a period of self-discovery when the sun enters Cancer and your philosophy zone on Sunday. For the next few weeks, set out to understand what makes you unique. This is an excellent time to read more about family history or make some travel plans. Get excited to meet yourself, Scorpio!

However, the solstice isn’t all sunshine. Jupiter turns retrograde in your pleasure zone on the same day, bringing some potential creative blocks. It’s time to dig deep in order to express yourself. Trust your intuition more than ever, especially if you have to take a gamble on something.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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Monday brings frustrations when Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus. Not being able to get your point across could mess up your routine. Communication issues could lead to confusion if you aren’t clear. Speak up, Sagittarius. And watch out for any sudden colds.

The longest day of the year brings transformation when the sun enters Cancer and your intimacy zone on Sunday. This is an opportunity to let go of the past and start over with a new season. Change is coming, so embrace it.

However, you might have some difficulties when your ruling planet goes into retrograde in your family zone for the next four months, starting on Sunday. This is the time to reflect on your childhood and inner child. Decide what you need in terms of emotional security as an adult. What can you do to heal from childhood wounds and grow as a person?



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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Monday is an exercise in adaptability when Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, restricting you from doing what you want to do. Try to use your imagination (we know you have one) and make your own fun that doesn’t cost a dime.

Summer begins when the solstice brings the sun into Cancer on Sunday. The sun will be in your partnership zone for the next few weeks. This is an ideal time to develop relationships, come to agreements, and even fall in love. Summer loving is in the cards, Capricorn.

However, stay on your toes because Jupiter turns retrograde in your communication zone on the same day. It might be difficult to balance logic and emotions when it comes to making decisions. Why do you have such a hard time trusting your gut? Analyze your feelings by talking about them or writing them down to get answers.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Family drama could get the better of you when Saturn in your sign squares Uranus in Taurus on Monday. You might be an adult, but your family still treats you like a little kid. Stand up for yourself and set clear boundaries. You can out-stubborn them, Aquarius.

The summer solstice encourages wellness when the sun enters Cancer on Sunday. With the sun in your routine zone, this is an ideal time to pay attention to your health and well-being. For the next few weeks, focus on being productive by starting a fitness routine and getting into some healthier habits to improve your life.

Finally, the longest day of the year also brings Jupiter’s retrograde on Sunday. With the planet of luck backing up in your value zone, you may discover that shopping and spending have lost their appeal. Focus on adding value to your life in ways that don’t involve spending money.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

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The secrets you’ve been keeping can isolate you when Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on Monday. By keeping your issues to yourself, you can push your friends and community away. Allow yourself to talk to someone you trust to get some relief. You need it, Pisces.

The summer solstice brings a creative awakening when the sun enters Cancer on Sunday. With the sun shining in your pleasure zone, this is an ideal time to nurture your artistic sign. Feel like a kid again and have fun by creating for the sake of it.

Also starting on the summer solstice, Jupiter will be retrograde in your sign for the next four months, bringing a period of major character development for you. While you may be more sensitive than normal, you’ll become more self-aware as you view the world through a different lens. Follow your heart and it will guide you.


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