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Feature & Follow Friday -- Favorite Spots for Reading

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow
Happy Friday everyone! It's been a rough week for me -- fighting an unusual cold, and I'm not a very patient patient! Fortunately, I'm feeling better for the weekend!  Here's this week's question from Parajunkee and Alison:

Reading Nook Tour: Give us a tour of your favorite reading spots.

Vacation for me usually means camping -- and one of my favorite things to do while camping is READ! Here's a couple of spots that I enjoyed reading at this summer....
Chatfield State Park, Littleton, Colorado

Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Texas

My son built me a beautiful new deck this summer, so I have been spending quite a bit of time reading while sitting on my deck!

I've posted this picture before, but this is my annual family vacation at Kentucky Lake.We spend a lot of time reading in the sun...

My go-to reading spot is my comfy couch....just can't beat it. I can't even imagine the hours I've spent reading in this spot.
Don't mind that wood and the torn up wall in the background -- just got a new door

I hope you have a great weekend and get to enjoy some reading time in your favorite spots! Let me know what they are.

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