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Fixing The Roof

When I returned home from my trip to Palm Springs a couple of weeks ago, I discovered that I had a leak in the bathroom. The overhead lighting fixture was full of water. I have lived in this cottage for twenty years, and the roof has always been excellent. I have never had a single leak until now. Well, there's a first time for everything.

I had the owner of a local roofing company come over today and take a look at it. He walked around on the roof for a while, and had trouble finding it. "Wow!" he told me. "This roof is in excellent condition. It can't be very old." "How old do you think it is?" I asked him." He answered that it couldn't have been here  more than ten years.  I told him that I have lived here for twenty years. When I bought the house,  the previous owner told me that it was a fifty year roof, and that it was fifteen years old at that time. He couldn't believe it. I've always had a good feeling about this roof. It's simple, but effective.

He gave me an estimate to repair the seals.  A couple of them are cracked.  It will cost $275.00. Some water  leaked into the one above the gas heater and traveled down to the bathroom. I am very relieved. I was afraid that I might need a new roof, and started feeling nervous about the cruise that I have planned. I have always felt that the material for this roof is ideal for our climate. None of the other houses have it.  Theirs are all shingles.  The roofer told me that they usually use this material  for sheds or porches. It's light colored, and it reflects the heat very well. I have gone up there once a year and swept off the debris and branches. I also nailed some of the nails back in that were starting to pop out of the material. The Poplar  has kept it shaded and protected during the hot summer months.

It is always rewarding to take care of your home. I asked him how much it would cost to eventually replace this roof, and he said that it would be between $2,000. and $3,000. My father paid $25,000. to replace his roof thirty years ago. It pays to have a smaller home. The type of roofing that I have is called mineral surface cap sheet. It's popular in the Southwest. I have been extremely happy with it. It is reasonably priced, and easy to install. You can see it in the cover photo of my blog. How is your roof? 

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