Well, it is official.....by the end of June we will be heading back home to Idaho!
It is bitter sweet in the sense that we are all so excited to be going home, but bummed out that my husband didn't make this promotion. The testing this year was excruciatingly hard, the cut offs were crazy and from about 20 000 that tested, only around 3000 were promoted, so that just shows you how hard these promotions are to make.
Nonetheless, I'm so proud of my husband for the 22 years that he has given to his country. He has worked so hard, given it his all, defended this country at war, protected it at home and did it all with a huge sense of pride and love.
It hasn't always been easy, military life is hard folks.
But, this chapter in our lives has come to an end and it's time to move on, and start another.
How am I feeling at this moment????
Hmmm. Well, I'm excited beyond belief, I'm nervous, I'm scared, actually I'm terrified if truth be told, and we have a lot ahead of us starting with packing up this house, doing tons of paperwork, buying a house in Idaho, transferring homeschooling etc.
It's going to be one heck of a ride, I can tell you that.
And it's times like these that I'm so thankful for my blog, for an outlet to talk and vent and record every step of our journey.
Be prepared, in the next few weeks you will see all sorts of posts and pictures here, boxes and packing tape, excitement and worries, prospective homes, plans and lists etc. At some points it may seem like you're along for a virtual move across States Hahaha
Anyway, I wanted to share the good news and I thank you all for the prayers and the words of encouragement, this waiting period was so hard for us, but at least now we know where we're going and what we're doing :)
We're going home.....home to Idaho and I can NOT wait to smell that fresh air.
PS I am going to be visiting you all today, wanna catch up before things get even crazier for me around here :)
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