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Ngaio Marsh documentary to hit TV screens?

In preparation for the upcoming inaugural Ngaio Marsh Award for Best Crime Novel, I've been talking to various people about various things - and yesterday I came across some interesting information.

Apparently there is a new TV documentary in the works on Dame Ngaio Marsh, which may be screened on New Zealand TV screens in the coming months. This is fantastic news, as for a long time Dame Ngaio has been rather horrendously overlooked here in New Zealand, in a literary sense.

With Dr Joanne Drayton's excellent recent biography, Ngaio Marsh: Her Life in Crime, the upcoming Ngaio Marsh Award, and now the noises about this TV documentary (which I understand is being produced and/or directed by a person or persons who is/are very experienced and acclaimed in the local television industry), perhaps our own Queen of Crime will start getting some wider public recognition in her home country.

Have you read any Ngaio Marsh novels? What do you think? Have you read Dr Drayton's biography on Marsh? Would you be interested in watching a TV documentary? Thoughts and comments welcome.

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