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Rosy Summer Days

It seems only right to reward a few of our hardy rose blooms with a post. What looks a bit pitiful in the garden--a single bud here, a small rose there-- looks fantastic bunched together up close and personal.

July is in full stride here, and we've had a couple of heavy showers that have made us and the garden feel like we can survive the heat a little longer. Actually, the afternoons and evenings have been downright pleasant whether it rains or not. It clouds over a bit, a breeze whips up, and the temperature drops.  

We've made a few changes in the dining room to lighten things up and cool things off too. A new chandelier, and a bit of whitewash.

We replaced this iron fixture above. . .

. . .with a few cut crystals and bling to reflect the light.

The woodwork around the windows, and the dining room door, had a dark wood finish. You wouldn't believe the difference in space and light that the white wash makes. (Well, of course you would.)

Woodwork before.

We have a lot of ongoing changes to make. Small and gradual ones. We wouldn't want to interfere too much with our afternoon siestas. After all, what's a lazy summer afternoon for? 

This piece is waiting for a good spot in this room somewhere. 

A corner of the old oak table shows through here. It's hardly ever without a cloth covering it. It may get a white wash too someday.

A vintage ironstone pitcher and bowl, and a fifties print tablecloth dresses things up.

I've been a little absent lately here on the blog. We have visitors, and have been touring around a bit as well. But I hope summer is rosy down your way too!


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Where I am honored to have been featured this week!
Thank You Debra!

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