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Sunday Busy Sunday

Im back, ive not lost interest in the blog or run away , just had a hellish busy couple of days , lots of family and one of the truly rare occasions when Mr Bah Humbug and I go out !! Cue gasps of horror from the kids

. We travelled to the depths of Scunthorpe Baths Hall to see Mr Bill Bailey comedian and purveyor of strange music it was an excellent night and i really had face ache when we came out , wed planned to go get food afterwards but the tumbleweeds were blowing along the streets , whatever happened to going out on a Saturday Night?  instead we ended up at the Lincoln University McD a vaguely surreal experience complete with bouncers and lots of teenagers in pyjamas.

Meanwhile my daughter had been buying things on ebay for me , so ive spent most of today moving furniture for my next project that i havent got any time to complete and fetching this in the pouring rain ..lol

 so comfortable but the covering is vile,reminds me of the stuff they cover chairs with in old folks homes , guess i wil have to live with it for a while at £24 for something that retails at around £400 im happy . , so its official im an old granny with a rocking chair now .

Ebay will resume tomorrow , theyre pushing lots of free shop listings for the next couple of weeks so ive got to make the effort , but I cant help feeling that a lot of stuff will just drown

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