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Top 5 Tuesdays (T5T) Gets Romantic

It's Tuesday, February 13th. A day before Valentine's Day. So lay it on.

Give me your Top 5 romantic movies. Give me the sap, baby.

Sub category: I will also accept the top 5 hottest sex scenes.

Here are mine.

Punch Drunk Love Adam Sandler and Emily Watts are as unlikely a romantic duo as you can find, but this works. And I have never seen a movie capture the power that love gives you the way that this film does.

Sabrina The remake with Harrison Ford. Man, something inside must be broken, but I loved this movie.

Four Weddings and a Funeral Andie McDowell almost kills it with one of her last lines "is it raining, I hadn't noticed" but this movie still holds for me.

Sixteen Candles This is a dream. The geek gets the girl and Sam gets her man. I will forever love this movie.

When Harry Met Sally This movie is great because you really feel the length of their relationship. The awkwardness of a friendship becoming something more and then the discovery of love.

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