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Watching The Sky At Dusk

The sun has been going down much earlier, now that it's October. I love to sit out on the porch at dusk and observe the colors of the sky.  They shift and change shape, like a movie.  It's such a beautiful and active scene. I find that I can take the most artistic photos at that hour. The one above is of my neighbor's house.  I took it the other night  when we were expecting a storm, but we didn't get any rain. I used to live there when I was thirty-three.  At that time it was a very old and simple cabin. I used to look at my current house from the window and think, "I wish I could buy that little cottage and live there by myself. It could be so cute."  My neighbor  and her husband built the home in the photo  from the ground up; I think it's very impressive.  

I am still harvesting zucchinis from the garden. I love how green they are. I've been boiling them in a small amount of water, and then serving them with butter, salt, and pepper. Yesterday I made an old fashioned casserole with tortillas, green chiles, cheddar cheese, and a couple of cans of cream soup. The recipe isn't very healthy, but I love the taste.   I got the recipe from one of my neighbors. It was popular during the 1950's. It seems that I like everything that was in style during that time. I sent the recipe to my mom, and she used to make it, too. My father and brothers loved it.  It reminds me of her. You layer everything, like a lasagna.

yesterday's hike

I am slowly adjusting to the Birkenstock sandals. Instead of wearing them for such a long time, I  just put them on for a couple of hours each day. It's made a huge difference. Thank you to those of you who commented about them. I appreciate your input. I did some more research, and plan to give myself two weeks to break them in slowly. My feet feel relieved today. As a dancer, I tend to push my body, and had I done that with these shoes, it would have been torture for my feet. I have a feeling that these will become my favorite shoes, in time. 

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