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Laying Trackbed - Part I

Benchwork covered in various construction materials as foam roadbed is applied

Over the last month or so I have been building the ramps to allow the tracks to go from one level of my benchwork to the next. I purchased 3/4” sheets of Styrofoam and used this for each of the ramps. It took several attempts to get them right as it's quite difficult to get a perfectly even and level transition from one level to the next level. There are other products available to make this process much easier, such as Woodland Scenics foam risers, but I’m determined to use what I have! 
Benchwork covered in various construction materials as foam roadbed is applied and held in place with thumb tacks

The first ramp completed successfully is the right curve of the main line oval. After hours of trying to get everything just right, it was time to lay down the very first section of foam trackbed. I glued down one half at a time in about 20” lengths. I used WeldBond multi-purpose glue and thumb tacks to temporarily hold the track bed in place while it dried. Once the track bed was dry, I loosely placed 22” radius track to make sure everything fit, which it did.

Foam trackbed with the first length of track installed on the right side of my layout

Foam trackbed with the first length of track installed on the right side of my layout

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