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Seeing the Opportunity

Ocean Avenue Santa Monica

Sometimes when we are disappointed in a situation in life, it's because it hasn't gone our way. Often, in hindsight, we will realize that there was a reason.  We might choose a new direction or path.  If things had been comfortable, we might have stayed in a scenario that wasn't really right for us.

My dance partner Fred Boothe used to tell me, "Just remember, everything happens for a reason."  Each person plays their part in the story. If we listen to our intuition, and follow our hunches, we will experience coincidences and opportunities. Even dark times have benefits. As the saying goes, "Every cloud has a silver lining."

I've always believed in having a grand master plan for life. You don't need to know exactly how you are going to get there, but it's important to know what your heart desires.  When you focus on the feelings that you want to experience, it helps you to attract those situations. Follow your heart and your dreams will come true.   The heart knows what makes you truly happy.

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