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Wonderful Friday and Blessed Easter

Happy Monday!  And it is 1 April!  Happy April Fools too!
School starting today and both kids are happy to be back to school.  No crying or hesitation from both kids today so I guess both are eager to go to school.  It has been a great weekend as we celebrate our Good Friday and Easter Sunday in a very meaningful way. 
On Good Friday
Let's start with how we spent our Good Friday on 29 March.  Since the school holiday was almost come to the end, we decided to bring the kids for some outdoor activities. So without any plans, we went out carry some clothing, towels and toiletries and just drove wherever the roads took us. 
After our brunch, we started our journey at 11am to Matang.  At first we plan to go to the Wildlife Centre or Matang Family Park but as hubby drove along, we were in the Sampadi-Lundu route. 
Kids full of energy and enthusiam after their brunch of chicken rice

The route we took after passing Matang.  We are very near to the South China Sea then.


 We need to use the ferry along the route.  First time the kids riding a ferry and both were so excited to get out from the car to stroll in the ferry.  RM1 per car charge.

 After passing the ferry, we saw a lot of farms (vegetables and trees), oil palm plantation and swiftlet house.  This yellow house is one of the swiftlet houses where they collecting the bird nests.
 And one of the common thing we saw along the road is bridges.  We have to pass so many bridges that we lost count of how many bridges we had passed through.  Those steel bridges were made by army many years ago and during those old days only army trucks used this road.  Those bridges have been there and still stand strong after all those years!!!
After almost an hour ride, we reached the junction of Sematan-Lundu.  Since Lundu is nearer we decided to turn right to Lundu and see where it brings us.
 Nice view of Lundu mountain and weather along the way.  It took us less than an hour to reach Lundu town.  We managed to visit a friend who operate a Cosway shop there and asked him for some advice on places of interest.  After a short chat with our friend, we decided to go to Siar Beach Retreat Resort.  It is operated by Bank Worker Union and since hubby is a bank employee he can get some discount on the facilities.  Since we did not bring enough for a night stay we only pay for its day facilities which cost RM30 only.  We can use all its facilities except the room.   
View of the main building from the beach

The main building where the swimming pool is

One of its chalet which cost RM250 per night

Beach view
 We spent almost 2 hours on the beach, playing with sand and sea water.  The kids were busy building sand castle which I were busy looking and collecting shells on the beach.  Now it is hard to find nice and big shells, where I remember during my younger time, there were many big and shining sea shells.

We have a lot of fun in Siar Beach Lundu.  Maybe the next holiday we will come back and stay overnight. 
The sky was so clear and beautiful on that day!!!!
And we reached home just slightly passed 6pm that evening.  We were too exhausted so we have instant noodles at home.  As on Saturday we hardly out from the house.  We spent our day watching DVDs and play games indoor as the weather was pretty warm.
On Easter Sunday

We are reborn on Easter Sunday!  A new life just begin.
Easter Sunday this year is a memorable day especially for me.  After married my hubby for almost 8 years, I was finally baptised and become a Christian.  Together with my 2 kids we were baptised yesterday in our Methodist church.  It was a wonderful experience and I am proud to say that I am a Christian now. 

The whole process went smoothly. Started off with the children ceremony, followed by adults.  Both kids are obedient when they stand and kneel at the altar rail except once a while Baby Jay was restless and making noises.  There was one time when both of us need to take the stand at the altar rail and Baby Jay was tagging along with my hubby.  Baby Jay was holding his bun and eating away and suddenly he just put a bit of his bun on the rail and ran back to his bench.  What an embarassing moment!!!  We were seated in the front row right in front of the Pastor lectern. Pretty hard to quiten Baby Jay so we kept feeding him food.

It is still a long way to go as the Chief Pastor said, but I will take it day by day and let God leads the way for me and my family.  I know.  It is just the beginning. 

Picture taken from Pinterest

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