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A little sewing activity...

Seems like the more I try to slow down life the faster it goes. The last two weeks have flown by... so many things happening...and one thing leading to another and another. I got carpet installed in my son's room which is the entire 2nd floor of my house. It was a big job, and that lead to having 5 closet doors  taken off, and the doors needing to be cut shorter and re-hung, which somehow lead to replacing 4 overhead light fixtures and purchasing a new desk for my son which needed assembly.  I'm happy that project is complete, but like all projects it ended up costing more than I planned. Oh well, that is life, isn't it?  There were some fun lunches with friends and a trip to the theater to see  a play and I got in some sewing.

First, I finished the quilt top for my brother and delivered it to Terry my long arm quilter. She promised to have it done in time for me to bind it and wash it and give it to my brother at the end of January.

The pattern is Charm Box from Fat Quarter Shop and you can see it here, and the fabrics are Chic Neutrals by Amy Ellis and some stuff from my stash.

Then I whipped up a little table topper for a chest in my living room, to replace the one I spilled red wax  all over from a tart warmer.  I got most of the wax out of it but the dye in soaked all the way through and would not budge. It isn't anything special but it does what I want it to do, which is to a add a bit of color under some of my many snowmen I have on display.

This block is a variation of an oldie but goodie, the 3 dimensional bow tie. The center square is a little pouf and it let me keep the motifs from being chopped up. Here is is doing it job of looking good with some of my snowmen collection.

And yesterday I got to play a bit more with some blocks I started last week, the Double Square Star block from Missouri Star Quilt Company. You can see the video here.

As soon as I saw this block I knew it was the one I've been saving this fabric for. This is Curio by Basic Grey and it is at least 5 years old. When I released it from its plastic storage bin captivity, I found I had purchased a creamy white Grunge fabric for the background and I have about 3 yds of border fabric...yeah...this whole quilt is going to come from my stash. I  can't believe it, I may actually keep a New Year's suggestion I made to myself. I don't remember when or if that has ever happened before...LOL!

Here are close-ups of the 2 blocks that are completely sewn together... the other 3 are still in sections.

This isn't my usual bright, in your face palette, but I also love this soft vintage vibe with its lacy patterns and typography. Isn't is wonderful how many different styles and colors of fabric are available to play with?

Of course, I had hoped to get more blocks sewn but my son and his wife were coming for dinner and I so enjoy having them over each Sunday. I got dinner on the table and everyone ate heartily. This was the last block I sewed...

I'll fix it tomorrow... or maybe Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday... there is another busy week ahead.

Hope you have some sewing time in your week!
happy stitching-
carol fun

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