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Adventures in a VW bus part 2: Red jeans and Arthurian legend

Hi everyone! Here's the second lot of photos from our holiday driving our vintage VW camper van round Cornwall, hope you like them :) These were taken at Tintagel Castle which is where (legend says) King Arthur was conceived - the castle is all ruins now, but the landscape in which they're set is just breathtaking.

As mentioned in the previous holiday post, the weather in the first couple of days was sunny but cold and windy - my hair got blown about so much on the first day the cap had to go on for the second day at Tintagel, and my capsule wardrobe was a rotation of layers, layers and more layers. In fact it was quite liberating having a very limited number of clothes to choose from. You've heard of the 30 for 30 challenge - this was more like 5 for 5 ;)

And here he is again - the real star of these posts: Barbarossa! (Click to see the image larger)

There'll be a couple more posts from the holiday, with my everyday outfits in between (i.e. what I wore to work). Have a wonderful weekend everyone - more in a day or two!

Parka: La Redoute similar, Jeans: La Redoute, Scarf (reversible!): F+F at Tesco, Cap: Unknown, Boots: Debenhams similar save similar splurge, Sunglasses: New Look similar, Bag: Betty Jackson at Debenhams similar

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