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Queen Mitzi

Some people may have thought - heaven forfend! - that I had somehow neglected the fact that Miss Mitzi Gaynor, our Patron Saint of the sequins-and-shimmy dancing so beloved of the residents of Dolores Delargo Towers, celebrated her 80th birthday yesterday.

But no!

As regular readers over the past four years may already have surmised, Miss Gaynor is not just queen of our hearts, but surely the Queen of my regular Tacky Music Monday slot. And so, without further ado, here is a cornucopia of performances by possibly the greatest purveyor of the "beginning-of-the-week-pick-me-up-music" that I always try and play for your delectation. [I may have played some, if not all, of these before at some stage, but so what?]

Now, that's the way to celebrate a Monday - happy (belated) birthday, Miss Gaynor!

Mitzi Gaynor on IMDB

Over at Dolores Delargo - The Museum of Camp, Miss Gaynor features in a glorious set of photos - a magnificent lady!

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