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Weekend Recap: Side Effects but Mainly Fun!

It's Monday morning, I am up bright and early to get a blog post written before I get ready for a great week of work. (Is that a good way to look at each week or week?)

This weekend was so fun; I did not want it to end. Despite feeling some really bad side effects from my new medicine on Friday evening and Saturday, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. 

Friday, this is how I graced everyone with my presence at work...

It is suffice to say that someone definitely needed some highlights and a trim. My dark hair, despite all the protectant my stylist put on there, faded fast! I guess that shows how I am meant to be blonde, right?! I think so, thus plans were made. 

After work, I came straight home to lay down for a little while. Nausea and a migraine were were taking over my body, so I napped on and off. Around 7 o'clock, Johnathan and I were tired of laying around so we decided to go to a movie to at least get some fresh air. 

It was Friday the 13th and raining, so a scary movie (The Lazarus Effect) was the only way to go! We were treated graciously from my Regal card, too. A free ticket to begin, then I earned a free popcorn and combo discount. He and I went all out on our treats. The movie was also great -- suspenseful, interesting, and pretty scary, especially towards the end! 

Saturday morning I awoke feeling the side effects again (mornings are usually worse) so I was once again laying around, watching TV, and reading -- just trying to relax. All week I was fine, but once the weekend came, I started feeling so bad. 

By 3 o'clock, I had enough lying around and was ready to go make the best of the day. I showered, made myself get presentable, then J and I made a grocery list and a list of errands we needed to run.

We went grocery shopping at WalMart, purchased a small rug for the kitchen (J picked it out - he did SO good!), I treatment myself to some new powder and lipstick at Ulta, and we picked up a couple of movies at Redbox.

On our way back, we noticed a neighbor taking some pretty nice looking things to the trash and recycling. As you  guys made have read on my blog lately, we have been collecting some really nice things! Saturday was no different -- we scored some super cute glasses from recycling. I can't wait to get those bad boys thoroughly washed and added to our glasses collection.

Yesterday the weather was absolutely perfect. Sunny, 75 degrees, and a nice breeze. Johnathan worked a little in the morning, then we made the best of it. After he brought Marty some new treats, of course. That must come first. 

We had lovely brunch at Ihop outside with delicious pancakes and an inced coffee, ran and a couple of more errands, and then went to my best friend's house to get highlights on my hair. I love the results -- my hair has a bit of a caramel look; I think it's very pretty!

J was also helping me put on my new lipstick (I was a little shaky) yesterday and it was the cutest thing, My man has skills. He telling me to "pucker up" so he could do it correctly and everything.

Despite my side effects that took place this weekend, I had so much fun. I am most thankful that I have such a loving partner who helped me through it all, too. We have so much exciting things ahead for us and I can't wait.

Yep, I am blessed in a lot of aspects in life and it feels good to finally realize that. It's a much better way to live and get through the days!

PS: My two contact emails listed on my blog are down right now and have been for a while now (from what I know). Please email me at TaylorLizAnne@yahoo.com if you would like to say hello or have a question/comment.

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