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1944 US Snow White Pressbook

The RKO 1944 Snow White pressbook contains a total of 16 pages (including covers) and measures approximately 11" x 17". The content is printed in black & white with an occasional red ink highlight.

Front cover.

Pages 2-3. A list of extended theatre runs in the US and Canada from the original release. Words of praise for the film.

Pages 4-5. Irving Berlin songbooks, 1938 RCA/Victor record, Decca record, and others. Print-ready newspaper copy.

Pages 6-7. Newspaper copy. Ad layouts.

Pages 8-9. Newspaper ads.

Pages 10-11. Newspaper copy.

Pages 12-13. More newspaper copy + a Snow White Herald. Exploitation ideas.

Pages 14-15. Exploitation contests. Lobby cards, insert, 22x28s, and glossy stills.

Close-up of lobby cards...

Insert and 22x28s...

Color stills...

Rear cover posters: window card, 1-sheet, 3-sheet, 6-sheet, 24-sheet.

Images courtesy of the Michael Filippello Collection.

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