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Gundagai, Tumut And Batlow on the way home.

We headed off about morning tea time it's a long drive and no one want to hit the peak hour traffic in Sydney.
This is the story of the dog on the tuckerbox  a quick comfort stop on the way home.

Very camera shy my son
needs a shave
Driving pictures
I think this it is so peaceful

This is Tumut railway station, no longer in use but it's a pretty little station.
I once caught the train down here many years ago, the beer fairy's brother was not long married and he was staying with his brother and his new wife and I came down for a weeks holiday we were only going out at this stage.
The trains were very small even then but they had hot boxes in them for your feet and a heater in the end of the seats, never come across this before or since, they were all steam trains and only ran once a day.

But that was a long time ago and the track is all filled in now.

We stopped off to get some apples from the orchard at Batlow

I liked the sign, never saw a soul so the honesty system must work.

A few more travelling pictures as you can see the weather is perfect again now we are going home.

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