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A Bit of This and That

I can hardly believe another weekend is almost over -- they go so quickly!  The weather was nice here, and we managed to get a lot done.  I've started my spring cleaning, and it feels good to see progress.  We didn't get to start on the yard like we had hoped because of a car repair issue.  The Hubster has saved us so much money over the years by being able to do most of our car repairs.  He saved us about $250.00 this time, based on the quote we received from the mechanic.

The pansies I planted last fall have burst into bloom.  :)  Pansies are also known by more old-fashioned terms such as "Wild Violet" and "Heart's Ease."

I also wanted to show you this solar powered gizmo that my in-laws gave me for Christmas; I'm really enjoying it, especially now that the daylight hours are longer.

I didn't realized that a few of the cords were tangled when I took this picture.  This was taken in the late afternoon.

And here it is at night...

They continually change colors as long as they're lit.  Have you seen these yet?  My neighbor has two, and I'm thinking of getting another one for the other end of the porch.

"Hearts ease of pansy, pleasure, or thought, Which would the picture give us of these?  Surely the heart that conceived it sought Hearts ease."  Algernon Charles Swinburne

"And there is pansies, that's for thoughts."   William Shakespeare

Welcome Spring -- we're glad you're here.  :)


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