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Revisions Week - Outlining & Plans

This is Revisions week. (I apologize for hoarding these post for 3 weeks now!)


Why not share with you how I revise.

Then we can compare! Hehe... I love comparing, no writer is alike!

After I write my novel I let it sit. About a month, any less and my mind is still to invested. I re-read what has been written and then I start my outline.

That's write people, my outline happens AFTER I've written the novel. I find that if I write it before all is lost and I can never finish the draft. Superstitions have gotten the best of me.

Here are pictures of my process:

This is my first step. My whiteboard. My very first experiment when I began blogging (Writings on the wall) and since then it's become one of my favorite things. I set up the basics, my favorite parts, and a few chapters to get me started.

This is what happens after the whiteboard... my outline. Notebooks and notebooks filled with important character questions, chapters, and an overall view of my novel.


Everyone has them.

For my alternate worlds I create floorplans, find the perfect photos for inspiration, the letters my character writes to each of the people who touch her life.

Click for a better view. I never push hard enough when it comes to my floorplans, I even tried to make the font darker, lol. As you can see I'm not gifted in that respect.

Here is the Traveler's house and the greenhouse. To very important parts of the story.

Does your story come with a road map? Are you a big Outliner? Before or After writing the novel?

Wednesday: Talli Roland's BLOGSPLASH!
Friday: Character Collages and more!

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