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The Sunday Salon: Happy Pi Day!

It's Pi Day! You'll remember from math class that the Greek letter Pi is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi Day is celebrated by math enthusiasts around the world on March 14th. Pi = 3.1415926535… Although I wouldn't exactly classify myself as a math enthusiast, I will be serving a special pi(e) at dinner. Are you marking the day?

I'm happy to report that winter, at long last, finally seems to be winding down. Although the lake is still frozen, snow is slowly melting and I even heard birds singing one morning. Daylight savings time is another sure sign spring is coming. Did you remember to turn your clocks ahead last night?

It's also been a good reading week. My Short Story Monday posts highlight Irish authors this month. Mothers and Sons: Stories by Colm Toibin was featured last week. Tomorrow I'll turn to The Penguin Book of Irish Fiction. It's a doorstopper of a book - over 1000 pages of short stories and novel excerpts from Irish authors. I also finally posted a long-overdue report on my book club's discussion of Sarah's Key.

I finished South of Broad by Pat Conroy, to be reviewed next month for a TLC book tour. My audiobook is still My Life in France by Julia Child. Less time in the car the past couple of weeks has, unfortunately, meant little progress on the audiobook front.

The Big Event coming up this week is the continuation of the Rosamond Gifford Lecture Series. Richard Russo will be in town Tuesday night, and I'll be attending along with seven other women from my book club. This lecture is the highlight of the season for me - Russo has long been a favorite! Sara Gruen and Jeffrey Toobin, the two remaining speakers, are scheduled for April and May. After the lecture, next season's line-up will be announced... a little earlier than usual. Maybe so groups can begin to plan their reading. I'm sure we'll subscribe again!

Other than the Pi Day Dinner, today will be quiet and low-key. I'll be reading from The Penguin Book of Irish Fiction and contemplating my next book. What are you reading?

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