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Some Sort of Chicken Thing

Chicken Thing


3.5 oz Chicken Breast
Garlic Salt
1/4 cup Salsa Verde
2 Tablespoons Cottage Cheese
Coconut Oil Spray (optional)
Your favorite Chicken Seasonings (optional)


Cutting Board
Sharp Knife
Stove top
Medium-Large Frying Pan
Bowl for mixing


Slice the Chicken into flat, thin, wide slices
Sprinkle both sides with garlic salt and pepper and whatever else you might like
Pan fry in a little coconut oil till nice and brown
Take out of pan and let cool
Chop into tiny pieces and place in bowl
Add cottage cheese (2 tablespoons max per serving)
Add Salsa Verde to taste
Mix up and serve

This is a dish I am quite proud of, as I sort of made it up without reference. It's great hot or cold, good for packing for lunch at school or work, and simple. 

I tend to have terrible ideas. The terrible idea of today is to make my own faun/antler/headband thing out of pipe cleaners, a head band, and fake flowers. I had a moment of necessity with this when...I think we were running out of ingredients...and my sister was there...and I found this old jar of Salsa Verde in the pantry or the fridge or something (I think it was left over from making avocado enchiladas by the novice chef, which I will link to. They aren't p2 friendly, but if you like I can try to adjust them for p3 when I get there.) Anyway, my mom does this stuff with leftover chicken and mayo and salsa, and that's probably what led me to this. But there is something a little different about this from your typical chicken salad, and that is the way you slice the chicken.

 If you can see in this picture, I'm slicing along the widest part of the breast. To do this, I first make sure the chicken is defrosted and patted dry, and then I place one hand on top of the breast, and then, careful not to cut my fingers, I cut about 3 centimeters below my hand. I peel off that layer and cut off another, till the chicken is in big flat slices. Please make sure your knife is sharp, or it may slip and hurt you. 

This is roughly how your chicken should look all cut up. I like to lay them out on a cutting board or just multiple paper plates so I can season them all together. Now, in these pictures, I am making it for 3 people, my mom, my dad and myself, so there's gonna be more chicken in the pictures than you'll have if you make one serving.
This is where seasoning comes in. Really, you can season them however you want. But remember to KISS (keep it simple, stupid.) I like this Garlic Salt & Pepper grinder. Stuff just tastes better coming out of a grinder. It builds up your wrist strength, too.
And now, we cook. This is where the way you cut it becomes genius. Chicken has to cook low and slow to cook all the way through. I started cutting my chicken this way to help it cook faster. When I did, I discovered this way of slicing gives the chicken much more surface area, meaning not only more spice space, but it's almost all crispy and brown. Spray a little of whatever kinda coconut spray you got, if not, just a liiiiittle bit of coconut oil out of the jar will do. Heck, you don't have to use oil at all if you don't want to, I just use it cus it assists with the crispy golden brown cook on the outside. I think it cooked for like....10-15 minutes? Maybe? Idk, I have a poor grasp of time perception and I didn't think to start my stop watch that I keep on me at all times. Do make sure that it is in fact, cooked thru when you take it off.
That's what we're looking for. Now let it cool. Trust me it's not fun to chop this stuff fresh out of the pan. This isn't really a hot dish anyway. Certainly not one of those Minnesotan Hot Dish, I've never even had any of that. Sounds good tho. Vague, but good. What was I saying? Oh, right, Chicken Thing.
Once the Chicken has cooled, Slice and dice and chop and mutilate the chicken into little sheds, like a delicious chicken confetti. That is a terrible idea. Do not throw chicken confetti at a birthday party, new years eve, or wedding. Just a mess, and it will make whatever birds clean it up cannibals, tho most likely you'll attract raccoons.
Now here you see way too much cottage cheese for one serving of this dish, Like I said, it's for three. But yeah, the idea is, place the chicken confetti in a bowl and first add cottage cheese, (2 tablespoons per serving) and then pour the Salsa Verde in to taste, Too little and it's bland. Too much and it's soup. There's a range in the middle of what is typically considered good.
That's sort of it, but I think I added more Salsa Verde after this picture was taken.
And this is it. One serving in this picture. It's better than it looks. But a warning to all ye who tread here: should you deviate from this recipe, be it the slicing of the chicken, the omission of salt or oil, or the use of a different color of salsa, and it will not turn out the way it's suppose to. Trust me, my mom tried to make it when all she knew was that it had chicken, cottage cheese, and a dairy product, and it turned out...less than appetizing. Don't worry, tho, she's awesome at it now.

Oh, here's the novice chef's Spicy Avocado Chicken Enchiladas

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